Principles of Practice

The Recovery House upholds certain principles of practice based on a client-centered approach to rehabilitation. The principles of the practice at The Recovery House are the following:

• The physical and psychological safety of clients and team members is a priority. Clients may be physically restricted only to prevent them from causing physical harm to themselves or others.

• Dignity is at the core of wellness. All services and manner of delivery will be informed by client choices, preferences and opinions.

• Privacy, security, and cleanliness are essential parts of an adequate living environment.

• Independence, mobility and decision-making are critical factors for empowerment, as empowerment and wellness go hand in hand.

• Knowledge, information and communication regarding client’s illness and treatment are critical factors in supporting clients and their families to make informed choices and actively participate in their own recovery.

Code of Ethics for The Recovery House professionals:

• Employees will know, respect, and promote the rights of clients

• Employees will work sensitively and respectfully with members and families

• Employees will accept that people are individuals and capable of self-determination, and will promote the dignity of clients and enhance their independence, self-sufficiency, and self-esteem

• Employees will uphold confidentiality laws

• Employees will maintain boundaries in their relationships with clients to ensure that they receive professional services at The Recovery House

• Every person employed is responsible for performing in accordance with The Recovery House Code of Conduct.

It is important that you be aware that the following actions with members are considered serious misconduct:

• Physical abuse or assault

• Stealing, borrowing, extorting, or removing without permission or authority, members’ money, property, or resources

• Accepting gifts or money from members without supervision

• Providing drugs, alcohol, weapons, or other harmful items to clients

• Breaching confidentiality

• Negligently failing to provide to a supervisor information about a client, which could affect the safety or wellbeing of any client

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