Anti-Stigma Campaign Pakistan

Anti-Stigma Campaign Pakistan

Tagline and Logo Design Contest, Call for Submissions

Due Date: Sunday, August 14, 11:59 pm

The Caravan of Life Pakistan Trust (CoLPT) invites creative people to its tagline and logo design contest for their latest mental health project. This project, which will be third in line to The Recovery House and Bawaqar Zindagi, aims to address stigma that heavily surrounds the topic of mental health in people with lived experience, their families, and the larger society. Its purpose is to raise awareness around mental health and mental illnesses and break down the stigma that significantly disrupts help-seeking and full inclusion in society in people affected by serious mental illness. It also intends to promote recovery and recovery-related outcomes in them.

With this competition, the CoLPT provides an opportunity to talented people who care about mental health to share what they think would be a catchy tagline (both in English and Urdu) for this project and an appropriate, creative logo that goes with that tagline. As an incentive, we are offering a cash award of PKR 20,000 and design credits for the most meaningful submission, which will be judged by a panel of mental health professionals and people with lived experience at CoLPT. All submissions will be rated on the basis of quality, originality, and relevance to the project’s purpose of reducing stigma associated with mental health. More details about submissions are provided below.

Submission Criteria:

  • Submission must include a tagline (in English AND Urdu) and a logo that depicts that tagline.
  • Submission must be inspiring, informative, creative, and original.
  • Submission must be in PDF format, clearly mentioning tagline (in English AND Urdu).
  • Submission must NOT contain any profanity or provocative content.
  • Submission must NOT include any plagiarized or copyrighted material.
  • Submission can be done by anyone in Pakistan, irrespective of age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, and religion.
  • All submissions should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Tagline and Logo Design Contest’. The main body of the email must mention your full name and contact number.




What is Caravan of Life Pakistan Trust?

Caravan of Life (CoL) Pakistan Trust is a manifestation of the personal journey of two of five siblings, Shaheen S. Ahmed and Khusro Karamat Elley. It is a vision that now stands as a center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, under the banner of The Recovery House (TRH) and Bawaqar Zindagi (BWZ). The project is emblematic of their deep-rooted belief that people with serious mental illness are not their diagnosis. They have the same needs and rights as the typically developed population is entitled to. To help them in a society such as Pakistan’s, quality services had to be created that would address all of their human and social needs as well as their clinical needs.

If you would like to know more about CoLPT and/or their projects, please visit:

What are the other CoLPT projects and what do they do?

The Recovery House is the first CoLPT project. It is a not-for-profit psychiatric rehabilitation facility in Karachi, Pakistan which aims to provide a secure and serene environment to people suffering from serious mental illness, in which they learn to live with and manage their illness, as independently as possible, to work productively, to help others and to maintain those accomplishments throughout their lives as integrated, functional human beings. Visit for more information.

The other CoLPT project is Bawaqar Zindagi. It is a community outreach program which aims to provide free mental health services, with a particular focus on the disenfranchised community of Shah Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan. The program was established in 2017 to increase access to free mental health services and change the perspective of the community regarding mental health. Visit for more information.

What is this tagline and logo design contest for?

This tagline and logo design contest is for CoLPT’s latest mental health project. This project, which will be third in line to The Recovery House and Bawaqar Zindagi, aims to address stigma that heavily surrounds the topic of mental health in people with lived experience, their families, and the larger society. Its purpose is to raise awareness around mental health and mental illnesses and break down the stigma that significantly disrupts help-seeking and community integration in people affected by serious mental illness. It also intends to promote recovery and recovery-related outcomes in them.


What are you looking for?


We are looking for a catchy tagline (both in English and Urdu) for our anti-stigma project and an appropriate, creative logo that goes with that tagline. Submission must be inspiring, informative, creative, and original, and must NOT contain any profanity or provocative, plagiarized, and copyrighted material.

How do I submit my tagline and logo design?

All submissions should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Tagline and Logo Design Contest’. The main body of the email must mention your full name and contact number and have the PDF attachment(s).

Can I submit multiple entries?

Yes, you can submit multiple entries. All entries should be submitted in separate PDF files, each mentioning the tagline (in English AND Urdu) with its corresponding logo. You can send multiple PDF files in one email.

Can you share some examples of taglines (in English AND Urdu)?

Yes, here are a few examples:

  • Our Voice Matters – Humari Awaaz Ehm
  • My Story, My Narrative – Meri Kahani Meri Zubani
  • We Will Speak – Hum Bolenge

Once I have submitted my tagline and logo design to you, can I submit and/or use it elsewhere?

If we accept your tagline and logo design, you may not submit and/or use it elsewhere and you will be required to waive off your rights as this would be registered as a trademark under the name of the anti-stigma project. Doing so will give us exclusive rights to your content. In case your work is not selected, you are free to submit and/or use it elsewhere.

When will I know whether I have won the contest or not?

The last date to submit your entries is August 14th by 11:59pm. If your work is selected, you will be contacted by a CoLPT team member by August 22nd, 2022 via email or phone.

©2019 Caravan of Life Trust. All rights reserved.

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